Sustainable Population - Chris Tucker

Earth Day 2020 Virtual Town Hall, April 22, 2020

Sustainable Population: A Planet of 3 Billion

Dr. Christopher K. Tucker, CC '94, GSAS '99
Chairman, American Geographical Society

How many people can the Earth support?
​Tucker makes the case that the Earth’s 'carrying capacity' is limited to 3 billion humans and that humanity’s century-long binge has incurred an unsustainable ecological debt that must be paid down promptly, or else cataclysm awaits. Given that our species has already surpassed 7.5 billion, and is fast approaching 9 billion or more, this is an audacious claim that everyone who cares about the fate of our planet and our species has a responsibility to evaluate for themselves. Tucker, in his exploration of the frontiers of scientific knowledge, urges all of us to question his estimate. He encourages us to marshal our own data and calculations, if we are so inclined, so that we can all engage in this existential debate as educated global citizens equipped to navigate what promises to be an uncertain future.

So if you are interested in the world around you, concerned about the fate of the planet, and seek insights that can help you become part of the solutions that would put us on a path to a resilient future rather than echoing sound-bites, then we would strongly encourage you to attend. Bring along a friend or more, and join the conversation on this special Earth Day presentation.


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